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Requires DOLWD to identify and recruit unemployed individuals for employment in health care facilities; makes appropriation.


Sponsored by: Assemblyman WAYNE P. DEANGELO District 14 (Mercer and Middlesex), Assemblywoman SHAMA A. HAIDER District 37 (Bergen), Assemblyman LOUIS D. GREENWALD District 6 (Burlington and Camden)
Co-Sponsored by: Assemblywomen Murphy, Eulner, Piperno and Mosquera


The Assembly Appropriations Committee reports favorably Assembly Bill No. 4617 with committee amendments.

As amended, this bill requires the Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development, in consultation with the Department of Health and healthcare stakeholders, to establish a program and standards to identify and recruit unemployed individuals to work in healthcare facilities. The identification process shall include:

(1) an evaluation of the practicality of training an individual for a specific position;

(2) the proximity of relevant positions to the individual’s residence, and an individual’s transportation options to the position; and

(3) what, if any, barriers exist preventing the individual from commencing work immediately for a specific position, even if the position is probationary until the individual completes relevant or required training.

The bill appropriates $250,000 from the general fund for the purpose of funding training programs and providing resources for eligible individuals.


The Office of Legislative Services determines that the bill’s provisions will increase State expenditures by up to $250,000 in the first year the bill is in effect for the Department of Labor and Workforce Development to fund training programs and provide resources to eligible individuals in coordination with and using existing programs administered by the department. If the full $250,000 is not expended in the first year, the residual amount will be spent in subsequent fiscal years until the full $250,000 is exhausted. In addition, the department, along with the Department of Health, will incur costs to identify and recruit unemployed individuals to work in healthcare faci

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