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Creating Jobs & Economic Growth

Our state’s economy continues to slowly rebound from a global recession.  Job creation and creating opportunities for economic growth are Assemblyman DeAngelo’s top priorities.  Here is what he is doing to help get New Jersery working again:


  • Sponsored “NJ Angel Investor Tax Credit Act” to provide tax relief to emerging technology businesses

  • Wrote laws to support small businesses and made business assistance programs more accessible

  • Pushed for an increase in the minimum wage to lift working men and women out of poverty

  • Encouraging redevelopment of existing local shopping centers

  • Authored the law improving the online unemployment claims system more accessible


Saving Tax Dollars & Tax Relief

Every family must live within their budget, and so too must the state when it comes to limiting the tax burden on our residents.   


  • Fighting to stop the diversion of locally collected energy receipts taxes and return it to municipalities to provide tax relief

  • Stopped payment of millions in unemployment benefits to incarcerated individuals

  • Fought to protect property tax relief programs for middle-class families, senior citizens, and disabled individuals

  • Wrote the law to save local tax dollars by move school board elections to November

  • Created greater transparency and accountability at independent authorities  


Fighting For Our Military & Veterans 

As the vice-chairman of the Assembly Military & Veterans Affairs Committee and a member of the New Jersey Council on Armed Forces and Veterans Affairs, DeAngelo is dedicated to helping the men and women who serve our country and protecting our in-state military facilities that benefit our economy.  That is why he has focused on opening up industries for veterans experience such as:


  • Permitting training to be used toward a nursing degree

  • Establishing the VetTeach program to bring more veterans into the teaching profession

  • Promoting the Helmets to Hardhats program to bring more veterans into the construction and building trades industry

  • Creating the Veterans Higher Education Commission aimed at identifying ways to create higher education opportunities for returning servicemen and women pursuing civilian careers. 

  • Working to strengthen veterans preference in the New Jersey State Police hiring process



Senior Citzens & Retirees

Assemblyman DeAngelo knows that it is the Legislature’s responsibility to protect our senior citizens and retirees who have given greatly to our state which is why he: 


  • Authored the law creating the Silver Alert system to help quickly locate missing individuals suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease.

  • Fought to protect homestead rebates and funding for the Property Tax Reimbursement (Senior Freeze) program and annually works to ensure that all eligible 14th District residents apply.

  • Sponsored legislation that would call for the installation of energy generators in retirement communities to ensure their health and safety for vulnerable individuals during outages.



Energy, Environment & 'Green Industry' 

With a career in the electrical industry, Assemblyman DeAngelo is a leading advocate in the State Legislature for developing clean, green energy industries in New Jersey including renewable energy. As a lawmaker, DeAngelo has: 


  • Pushed to create the Energy Infrastructure Commission to find ways to strengthen the methods and systems used to deliver energy to consumers such as burying power lines below ground, moving substations out of flood zones, vegetation management, smart meters, and other ways to improve energy transmission for consumers. 

  • Sponsored legislation to offer tax credits to businesses that purchase “green” business equipment to reduce their impact on the environment.

  • Authored a package of bills that would promote the use of blue and green roof technology in construction of state facilities.

  • Expressed outrage at filings by energy providers to increase rates for customers that would ask the consumers to pay their bills for their Superstorm Sandy response and recovery



Ethics & Accountability 

Fiscal accountability and maintaining ethical conduct in state government is critical in maintaining the trust of the residents of New Jersey. Assemblyman DeAngelo has sought to instill such accountability by:


  • Creating a law that requires greater transparency and accountability at independent authorities that spend taxpayer dollars.

  • Reducing the timeframe within which a recall election petition can occur and adjusting the number of signatures required to trigger a recall election.

  • Requiring local Superintendent of Schools to annually report to Boards of Education on expiring contracts in order to ensure proper transparency.

  • Limiting the use of an elected official’s campaign funds for purposes of legal defense fund.

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